12 March, 2025

Regional Centre



Bachelor of Arts (BAG)

Minimum Duration: 3 Years
Maximum Duration: 6 Years
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


 10+2 or its equivalent

The 132 credits of this Bachelor’s Degree programme are spread over six semesters of 22 credits each. In each semester, the learners have to choose 4 courses in all from different categories of courses. While the courses under CC, DSE and GE categories are of 6 credits each, the courses under AECC and SEC are of 4 credits each. While the detailed nomenclature and number of credits for different courses have been presented earlier, the following Table presents the CODES of Courses available as option in each semester from different categories of courses with credit load.


Fee Structure: Rs. 3,800/- (1st year)


Soft copy link for Self Learning Material (SLM)


egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/53046 (English)


egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/53047 (Hindi)


egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/53136 (History)


egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/52789 (Economics)


egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/52792 (Political Science)


egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/52796 (Public Administration)


egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/52784 (Sociology)