12 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Economics (BAECH)

Minimum Duration: 3 Years
Maximum Duration: 6 Years
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


 10+2 or its equivalent

This programme is of 148 credits spread over six semesters.. In each semester, students have to choose four courses from different categories of courses. While the courses under CC, DSE and GE Categories are of 6 credits each, the courses under AECC and SEC are of 4 credits each. While the fourteen CCs are distributed across the six semesters, the four DSEs are available in the fifth and sixth semesters only. There will be a number of SECs and the GEs available in the common pool each semester. A student has to opt for only one GE for study in each of the first four semesters and one SEC during the third and fourth semesters of the programme. The university will be adding new SECs and electives (DSEs and GEs)to the existing pool of courses from time to time.


Rs. 4,200/- (1st year)


Soft copy link for Self Learning Material (SLM)

